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Introducing Essay Rescue


Have a paper due? Let us help.
You’re a click away from an expert editor.


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The House Essay Rescue Team

It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4...

1. Upload your essay. 
2. Select your deadline. 
3. Boom! Your essay comes back new and improved, with suggestions to boot. 
4. Want to make it even better? Do your magic and upload it again.

We want your essay to be the best it can be. Remember, we edit, not write. That’s your job.

You get the essay, your parents get notes on what a great job you’ve done.

Upload Your Draft



Questions? Contact us now →


“I just got the most amazing call from my daughter just now. She was practically jumping through the phone and wanted to let me know that her US History test was AWESOME. I haven’t heard her this proud and excited about her work in a very long time- We are absolutely thrilled.”
Parent in Highland Park
“I cannot thank you and your tutor enough. My daughter was absolutely over the moon with her session. She said it was amazing. I think you found the perfect person to take her where she wants to go. This is going to be a great match. With many thanks!!”
Parent, WInnetka
“You have given Luke the desire to do well. I’ve been working on that for 4 years! He was so excited to show me his grades and current jump in overall GPA. I don’t know what you are doing, or how you are doing it, but thank you!”
Parent, Glencoe
“Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for all the support that my son got over this first semester in high school. It seemed that he had no idea what he was doing at the start of his freshman year. Your tutor assisted him with organization, study, writing and most importantly thinking skills... best of all, my son loves working with him! Your tutor completely changed the course of his first semester.”
Parent, Northbrook

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